Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Who knew Yanni was so Awesome

Yanni Jesus

Like a undercover secret agent, I snuck my camera into the Yanni concert over the weekend. I know what you're thinking. Yanni? Really? Yanni? But aren't you under like 60?

Yes, yes, I am. But Yanni has turned cool. Well, he was always cool {at least to people over 50}. He has a new show on the road called Yanni Voices. And it's really quite amazing. And I'm being dead serious. Yanni has handpicked younger singing artists that range in singing styles. He is also backed by an incredible line of musicians. Many of the instrumentalists had solo jam time, including the congo and trumpet player, but I think my favorite was great seeing the harpist jam out.

Yanni Voices

I went to the show with Christy. We learned about Yanni Voices at a blogging conference in February. And we were given the major hookup {thank to One 2 One Network} with back stage passes after the show. Here are a couple shots of our time with the artists.

Yanni Voices

Singers Leslie Mills, Chloe, me, Christy & Ender Thomas

Deb & Ender

Here is a great picture with me and Ender. He apologized for his sweaty face. I was okay with it. Christy and I even gave him some Twitter tips. {His twitter handle is @enderthomas}

We were feeling bad that we didn't get to see Nathan Pacheco again {he is probably my most favorite}. He had to rest his voice as they are doing back to back appearances on the road. Luckily, we met him back at the conference in February. We automatically connected because we are both BYU alumni. His style of singing is opera. And who would have thought that I like opera, but he has a voice and emotion that just makes me engaged. Seriously, keep an eye on him, he will be taking his own stage someday.

Even though I had seen previews, and had enjoyed them, I was still unsure about going to the show. I was so glad I went. I was so inspiring and I was very impressed by the show. It's so wonderful to see talented people doing their thing. At the concert, Yanni had a little pep talk with us about the economy and he realizes how tough things are right now. He ended that little talk with a piece of advice, "Don't forget to dream."

To see a further recap of the show, see Christy's post.


Kristine said...

Deb, we are soul mates! I bet you didn't know I am a huge Yanni Fan and have been since the early 90's! I've been to several of his concerts and was even a member of the fan club for a while (but as a joke!). I have most of his earlier cd's but must admit after about the late 90's his music changed and not for the better. I'm curious now about his latest show.

Deb said...

I had no idea, Kristine! Check out the new show and see if they are coming to your area. I may beable to pass along the contact that hooked us up with tickets and backstage passes.

stacey @ tree, root, and twig said...

Oh, now you've got me SUPER excited! I just found out that they're holding 2 tickets for us in Houston, with the backstage "meet and greet" as well! Yipppppeeeeee! :)

Thanks for this recap. Don't know that I'll be brave enough to sneak some pictures during the show, but I hope to catch some afterward!

The Glamorous WAHM said...

Hey girl! I met you backstage at the Yanni concert...The Glamorous WAHM. Was that way cool or what? I am so in love with Ender. What a hot Latino! My husband (who is a hot Latino too!) met the Brazilian harp player and the conga player outside of the arena when we left. We had so much fun with them speaking Spanish. It was a lot of fun. I've actually received two messages from Ender on twitter and on myspace. He's really nice. Well let's keep in touch. God bless!