Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kitchen Redesigns

Hello!  Deb here.  When my husband and I purchased our home, we loved everything about it, but the kitchen.  We felt like the space wasn't being used properly and there was a lot of wasted space.  It had an L-shaped kitchen work triangle and it just didn't seem efficient.  So we decided that the first thing we would do is add more cabinets and move the placement of the  refrigerator.

Kitchen Before

Above is a picture of the space before.  We used a bookshelf as a temporary pantry and placed our refrigerator in the dining area.  Like I said, we did this the week we moved in, so it was pretty painless.

Kitchen After

Above is the after picture.  We often think back and wonder if we could have survived without our extra cabinets.  I don't know that I could live without a pantry.  We love having all the extra space and were able to add these cabinets for less than $1,500.  {It helps to have a handy husband and know a reasonable plumber to move the water line}. 


Erin here now!  How about that?  You get to hear from both of us today!  I'd like to share a kitchen renovation I did for a client a little bit ago.  I've been seeing a lot of renovations lately as the housing market is not good for sellers at the moment.  More people are fixing up what they have instead of moving to a different home.  As you can see it's a little outdated and very floral!  There was wallpaper and borders as well as older appliances and countertops that were not very child friendly.

Kitchen Before

We stuck with a budget and made changes that would have a large impact without changing out some of the most expensive items.  The cabinetry and the flooring we decided to keep and spend most of the money on new appliances and countertops.

Kitchen After

You can see that by just changing up a few simple things, changing the wall finish, and adding some custom designed window treatments we were able to get an entirely different kitchen!

Enjoy these spaces!

erin_sig and  deb_sig


1 comment:

Melanie said...

Both kitchens look great! I like the nearly monochromatic scheme of Deb's, it makes it look really open. I think the wall finish for Erin's client really changed a lot! It suddenly made the floor tile look right :)