Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Flashback Wednesdays

I remember when I was young asking my mother where she was when President Kennedy was shot. What do you think our children will ask us about? Do you think our children will ask us where we were when the OJ Verdict was read? I was still in high school and I remember them wheeling in a tv just so we could watch it live.

Where were you when the verdict was read?


Hollie said...

Well, I do remember the car chase. it was at my sister's reception and that's ALL people were talking about. I think I was working at the Orem mall (The Shoe Box/ Naturalizer) when they read the verdict.

Christy said...

I was working at Mercury Post & Parcel when they read the verdict. Everyone in the office (even customers) stopped to listen on the radio. We couldn't believe it!

For the car chase I was babysitting.

Audra said...

Not sure about the car chase...but for the verdict I was a sophomore in English class and our teacher turned on the news. I don't think we knew what to think.

wendysue said...

During the car chase, we were at our own car chase. . .my Dad and brother were racing out at Eagle for a fund-raiser thing in these big beat up cars. . .

For the verdict I was in the student lounge at the dental school after class. . .the place was packed. . .and silent.

Heidi said...

Oh, I feel like a kid, but I was in 6th grade, and we listened to it on the radio in my class!

Marisa said...

It was my senior year I was in advanced ecomonics class out in the portable at Southeast. They wheeled in a tv screen as well so we could watch the verdict. It made me sick.

Kristine said...

The car chase I'll never forget because I was at EFY for the week. The verdict, on the other hand... I don't even remember what year that was!