Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Mr. Old Faithful

Our Friday nights will never be the same. Pre-Caden, they were always filled with love, romance and kisses. Now that Caden is here, and we are so glad he is, this is what they are like...

Caden has been having issues getting it all out, if you know what I mean. He grunts, he turns red in the face, but to no avail in filling the diaper. It had been a week since he had produced a good full diaper that his daddy would be proud of so I called the nurse.

"A week? Oh, we don't like them to go over a week. Give him a suppository and some pear juice."

So after work on Friday, I picked up the goods and was so relieved to finally help my baby get a little relief. I must have looked helpless at the store as the woman gave me step by step instructions for submitting the suppository.

We laid Caden on his changing table and as he cooed and talked, we gave him the pill. Nothing. Nada.

"C'mon Caden, make Daddy proud."

It was like I was sitting there waiting for Old Faithful to go off. I knew it was coming and I was ready for a massive explosion. Nothing. Nada.

Casey's phone rings and he leaves the room. I am there screaming because I know it's going to come and I'm not sure I will be able to handle all the shrapnel and debris headed my way. Nothing. Nada.

Casey enters the room and says, "Ah, you're not doing it right, give it here." I gladly give up my post and let him go with it.

And oh, the beauty. It was as if Old Faithful had never erupted before. Caden was happy and so were we.

Maybe some day we will get back to the romance and kisses, but for now we are happy doing the poo dance.


wendysue said...

It's amazing how poo runs your life with a newborn. . .what was the color? consistency? how much?

Our trick was a bath. . .got 'em every time.

Marlyce said...

I love it. We have our own experience like that. I think we all felt relieved after the explosion.