Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Flashback Wednesdays

Hypercolor shirts

Please tell me you had one of these awesome hypercolor shirts. One that showed every print or breath it came in contact with. These shirts were usually some awesome shade of pink or blue. I don't know that this is my most favorite fad of all just because when wearing these shirts gave just about everyone the right to breath or touch you. 

That, and you could always tell who had a perspiration problem because their armpits were an awful shade of yellow or whatever color the shirt turned into.


Hollie said...

Ok, I was totally going to send you a post about this for a flashback. I used to sell those too. In a kiosk, of the middle of the mall.

wendysue said...

So funny, I just remember the really big football players that would wear them with the armpits all sweaty too. eww.

Audra said...

I never had one- but my bestfriend did. Pink and Orange I that was a long time ago!

Susan said...

yeah! i loved hyper color. who thought that would be a good idea? let's give puebesent boys a shirt that will show when they are sweating...i wonder why they didn't last?