Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh, no you did-nit

Can you see me snapping my fingers all zig zag like? Because I am.

I've had two people call me a snot today. It was all in a joking manner, but I'm kind of thinking about it seriously. I must be having one of those "inner" moments. You know, where you take everything so seriously and defensively.

So this leaves me to think maybe I really am a snot. (By the way, I'm not looking for any comments that say "Oh, you're not a snot at all... I love you!!") But if you don't... I'm like so totally over you.

If I am a snot at work, this is why:

  • I like to get my work done... don't interrupt me, leave me alone, I'm here to work.
  • I don't like to talk about my personal life at work... I like to keep them totally separate, so thus I keep to myself a lot
  • My office is way back in the corner so I don't get to mingle much, thus people think I'm a snot for not interacting with the crowd.
  • I work with a lot of dorks (okay, maybe I am a snot). But seriously, we have a guy in our office that likes to tell stupid jokes... and I just don't have time for that.

So, I am making it a mission to be non-snoty and it's not working so good. I am the "computer guru" in the office and sometimes this can be really annoying. Annoying because I get stupid questions like "How do I save this document in this folder" and "How do I open the internet". So I had a fellow employee ask me "How do I attach this file to an email" and I said,

"Are you kidding me? How long have you been doing this? You should know that by now!" Can you blame me? He's been here for 3 years!!

I'm so like not kidding.

So, don't mess with me today. I'm at my whits end.

Back to my non-snotty routine.

Stay tuned this week for a report on our exciting weekend. A broken bone, a new car... what else will life bring??


Audra said...

I am perceived that way too- people usually think I am mean or snotty because I am not very personable or outgoing, and I don't have a perm-a-smile!

Don't take it personally...we all love you just the way you are!

Audra said...

oh and I definitely want to hear about the broken bone and car!

wendysue said...

A broken bone? Yikes. And did Mr. Honda die?

And you just go on with yo bad self. Seriously. . what is this high school? You'd think someone (besides you) would be glad that you're getting work done, so if that means being snotty, I totally give you permission. (like you need permission from me!!)

:) Love you Deb!

Hollie said...

Isn't it sad with how true to life the show "The Office" is. Oh, and don't forget the classic movie "Office Space" Sometimes I miss it, but I must say working at home eliminates all that crap. They guy who thinks everyone is stealing things off his desk, the drama queens that always has some crazy story from the weekend that you are forced to hear because you sit next to them. Oh, and let's not forget the radio battles. No one could EVER agree on a station until Christmas, and then it's Christmas music from Halloween till New Years!

The question I got all the time was, "How do you save something on Excel"? Press the freaken save button people!!!!! Is it really that hard....Gosh!

O.k. I'm down. Thanks that was fun.

Deb said...

Audra- I'm glad I'm not the only one.. thank you!

Wendy- sometimes I think people will always be stuck in h.s. Especially the people I work with. :)

Hollie- I love The Office and Office Space. I would watch them at work if I could. Those one liners kill me.... "I've got a meeting with the Bob's." Question, did you see the episode of The Office when Jim dressed like Dwight?