Thursday, May 03, 2007

Queen Bee

So we have been working on the basement everyday. I hit Saturday and was so exhausted I couldn't move anymore. I'm not joking. Couldn't move. Last night we were up until midnight and I woke up at 6 am to make sure the painting we did last night looked good. I am obsessed and I hate it. I just want to be done.

But on a side note, I was meeting with Kayla, the queen of carpeting, last week and she told me that I'm going to be a good mom. And you know why she said this? All because of my dog. Yes, people, my dog. I've been going kind of crazy lately (mainly due to the basement and my new calling in YW... we have WEEKLY meetings in addition to our weekly activity). Pilates isn't even helping reduce my stress. (Okay, that's a lie, it really does help me relax... but I don't want to make time for it). Anyways, all this stress and craziness is making me feel like a horrible dog owner. No time for the Jonesmister.

Before we got Mr. Jonzy, I didn't want a dog too badly. I just wanted a dog that would lay around the house and then go running with me when I wanted to go running. Well, if you have met Jonzy, you know he has alot of energy (a HUGE understatement) and requires a lot of attention. My friend (who is well accredited because she has 2 kids under the age of 3) has told me that Jonzy is more demanding than a 2 year old. And that is true. (Remember, my friend said that, not me. Did I mention she's accredited?) So we walk and we run and walk some more and probably run again. All in a day.

I am currently reading a book by Caesar, the dog whisperer in hopes to teach Jonzy some manners. It's working a little bit, but not too great. But he's a puppy so what are you going to do? Plus, I love his personality, even though it drives me nuts sometimes. He is so loving that it can be an in-your-face kind of love. So I want Jonzy to be Jonzy and have his personality... I don't want to turn him into a robot dog. And this is why the queen of carpeting told me I am going to be a good mother. Because I will build upon my children's natural abilities and allow them to be themselves. I know what you are thinking... gosh you really know your carpet lady well. I know, you are jealous, huh?

So you ask... am I ready for motherhood?

Probably not, but I feel more ready than I have ever been before. I have someone besides myself that I have to think about and care for. Granted, I know having a dog is very different from having a child, and I am in no way comparing the two.... (well, not completely anyways... whatyagonnado... it's all I got).

Am I prego?

No.... sorry to get your hopes up.

What's your parenting style? What do you love about being a parent/aunt/sibling/son/daughter/friend?


Audra said...

parenting definitely gets more challenging as the number of children goes up and it also depends on the child's disposition. The twins were super easy and have just recently started to become a handful. And really the only thing i am having problems with now is the bickering and Kwynn's competitive attitude.

Now Corynn on the other hand is a handful...not because she in ornery but because she rebels when you least expect it. She really is a good kid...but every once in awhile some demon takes over and she goes burzurk!

I am the disciplinarian at home...mostly because I am with them more and have no patience. John is the 'fun' one. But it works.

I didn't think I would be good with kids, but it surprises you how much you can adjust and how naturally it comes. You'll be a great mom!

Christy said...

I think I'd take my kids over your dog any day. That sounds worse than I mean it. What I'm saying is, your dog is adorable and fun but a lot of hard work. My kids are adorable and fun and a lot of hard work---but I'm counting on the fact that they will take care of me in my old age.

You better hurry up and finish that basement so you can use an upstairs room for a nursery! ;)