Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday Night Saga

So it was Friday night, one week ago today. I was hanging out with my sisters and cousins. We decided we were going to have a girl's night.



You know, the works. Dinner was fabulous. Lots of fruit and fruit dip, BBQ Chicken cooked perfectly and veggies with a creamy cheese sauce. It was delish. I was in charge of dessert and I brought Rachel's ever popular Apple Crisp. It takes 5 minutes to make, but it tastes like you worked on it all day long.

After dinner, we were chatting and then my cell phone rang. I knew it was Casey before I picked up.

(He has his own ring tone.)

I'm worried already because it's only 10 pm and he knew I wouldn't be home until late.

"Hey babe, how are ya?"

"I think I broke my arm."


"I was doing the bike thing with Jonzy and flipped over the handle bars."

Remember this?

So I drove home and we spent most of the night at the ER. We were laughing the whole way so I was thinking, this can't be that bad. He just can't move his right arm. They xrayed him and we made friends with the doctor. The doctor came in after much waiting and said,

"You broke it." I think the doctor was just as surprised as I was. Casey seem fine and was laughing up a storm.

"Broke what?"

"You fractured your radius head."

In other words, he broke his elbow.

Don't you just feel bad for him?

Have you ever broken a bone?


brianna_banana said...

Yes my family is moving. They are moving in a month to come out here to Utah. My dad is going to teach Seminary at Spanish Fork High. SO how have you been?

Kristine said...

Join the snotty club, Deb!! I get it all the time :) Poor Casey!! I hope this doesn't get in the way of future basement endeavors!

Christy said...

Wow. I've never known anyone that has broken their elbow....until NOW!

I broke my right arm when I was five (riding my grandpa like he was a horse) and my left arm when I was ten (riding a real horse). This probably should explain my fear of horses.

Hollie said...

Poor Casey! Tell him to get better soon and enjoy the good drugs.

Audra said...

Kwynn broke her arm -just above the wrist- a few years ago. She wasn't really freaking out either- not like we were. Her arm was bent at a 90 degree angle just above the wrist and I just cringed. She was at the park with John and I hear the horn honking in the garage. I open the door to tell him- Corynn was sleeping when he calmly states that he thinks Kwynn broke her arm. Um- ya! We spent forever in the ER and she broke both bones clean through. She never really cried- crazy!

I can handle blood and stuff- but puke and broken bones are just too much!

wendysue said...

I've never broken a bone. . .but I always wanted to have a cast, or wear crutches when I was young. . .odd. I think I thought it was cool or something. I did sprain my arm. . .or I should say my BROTHER sprained my arm, pulling me up the stairs when I was like 5.

I hope Casey's doing better, I guess if he had to brake his elbow, at least he could laugh about it!!