In case you are wondering, Casey is doing well. We went to the orthopedist last week and thought he was going to have to get a cast.
Good news, he didn't.
The orthopedist said, "Move it or loose it!"
So Casey now does exercises 2-3 times per day. He has to work up to what the doctor called 'Give me some change pose.' You know, when you hold your hand out to get change back. He is still in a little bit of pain, but is getting better day by day.
The lawn isn't mowed, but Casey is okay. Oh well, my neighbors will have to hate me for a little bit... well, probably the entire summer.
Hence, the anxiety attacks.
Now, I know what you are thinking... Casey just broke his arm... I mean elbow... it's not THAT big of a deal. But, please hear me out.
Here are the order of events...
- 5/7 Job issues (ongoing)
- 5/11 Casey breaks his elbow
- 5/12 We buy a new (used) car-- we got rid of the '98 Maxima and kept our old '93 accord (We love them Hondas!). We got a 2000 Honda Accord.

- 5/12 We put the basement on hold (see picture above). Why did we buy a car, you ask? Because both of our cars were manuals. Casey broke his right arm and couldn't drive either of them and I wasn't about to take him up to Omaha for work everyday. Seems a little crazy, I know, but we were going to buy a car this year anyways. This was just a convenient excuse.
Okay, I write down this list and it doesn't seem like much. Why am I so stress out?
- It could have something to do with the fact that I have extra house duties and CANNOT keep on top of them. Goodbye house, I will clean you in a couple months.
- It could be because I am upset because the basement isn't being finished in the time line that I wanted. (Very probable- I like to start things and finish them)
- Medical bills- these shouldn't be too bad, right?
These were all things that I was thinking about until last night I figured out the problem.... the thing that is stressing me out is WEEKLY MEETINGS for VOLUNTEERING. I just can't do it. I'm sorry. It's nothing against anything or anybody, but I need to be home when I can right now.
So I busted out in tears when asked if we could meet next week.
No, we can't. It's giving me anxiety attacks. PERIOD.
The next meeting is in 2 weeks.
I feel much better today.
Deb- I'm sorry! I hope things get better!! We will be praying for you! I feel you out totall though. we are here for you. Do I need to bring you some chocolate?? I love you !! It can't get any worse right??
Do you want me to come over and mow? I can watch Jonzy
Oh Deb and Don't forget to add the garage sale to your list that is sending you on an anxiety attack and you can add me to your list as well!!
Just remember to Breathe--
Breanna just got a kids yoga book--try the rest position for about 12 hours and watch some TV and then do the rest pose again for anohter 2-3 hours!! WE NEED a VACATION!!!
you goof- call me and I will come over and help! I am a mean lawn mowing machine!!! Just give me the go ahead and I will be there Saturday morning- ready to go!
And even though I loath my household chores- its always more enjoyable cleaning/picking up someone else's. So call me already....or email me!!! I would love to help!
Julie- Breanna will have to come teach me yoga. Thank you for being such a great sis!
Audra- I came home Wed. night and Casey had mowed the lawn. I felt terrible... he's not suppose to be doing that. Thanks for the offer, but I just had a minor lapse and am feeling much better! Thank you!!
These are my relaxing techniques when I'm feeling a little on edge.
Breath in for five seconds and breath out for 10 seconds. Do that a few times while you're laying on your back and listening to something relaxing. Maybe some Enya or Sarah McLaughlin. Imagine you're whole body relaxing it's self starting from your toes all the way to your head. (I learned this in Massage school)
Go for a LONG run with some good music.
Later that day get some GOOD junk food, like chocolate or cookies. My favorite right now is cookie dough pop tarts. They are sooooooo yummy, w/ a glass of freezing cold milk. Then, watch something that will make you laugh out loud.
Also, have your friend Julie teach you awesome!!!!!
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