Saturday, February 17, 2007

Stampin' Up Workshop

Christy and I are having a stamp-out our frustration night... we are calling it a workshop. I think that's so we'll feel productive. :) Since I didn't have everyone's email, I'm posting it up on here... hoping you will all come. Because you should. PERIOD. The more people, the more frustration we let out, hence the more fun we will have. And Christy is going to be teaching us stamping techniques. So here are the dets... (In case you were wondering... that is short for details... I was trying to sound cool, but I don't think it worked).

When: Wed., Feb 21st
Time: 7-8ish pm (you are more than welcome to stay later if you want)
Where: my house (If you don't know my address call me or Christy)

Please RSVP so we are sure to have enough supplies and table room. Love to see you all.


wendysue said...

Hey Deb. . .I'm planning on it! I'll probably be late, Matt works until 7, so I'm going to meet him there for the hand off of the kids, then be on my way! Email me your address. . .I mostly remember but it'll help! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I WISH i could! My little brother is staying with us and its kind of crazy and then tonight is swim night for the girls....UGH! Definitely let me know when the next get together is - and I will be there. I can't stamp or make cards but I will be there to chat! Promise!

Deb said...

Audra- There will be more to come so no worries. I will let you know that you missed out on a very good, dog jumping time! :) (In case you were wondering, my dog loves people and jumps on everyone he sees. SO very annoying... he is getting better, but he's still a puppy so what do ya do?)

Hollie said...

I'm sad I missed it:( and Jonzey jumpng.