Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pet Peeves

1. Slow drivers.
2. Cable appointments.... "I'll there between 12-5"... and they show up at 5:15.
3. Getting a bad shopping cart and trying to maneuver my way through the store.
4. People that assume I have nothing to do because I don't have kids. Seriously... I do have a life!
5. Loud talkers on airplanes. I just want to sleep, relax and read. Please be quiet!
6. Contracts.... mainly cell phone or gym contracts. Can never get out of them when I want to.
7. Automatic sliding doors that don't open fast enough. C'mon, I don't want to break my stride!
8. People who drive SUVs and slow down to 2 mph to go over a speed bump. Seriously, you have an SUV!
9. People who don't have call waiting or an email address. That was so 20 years ago!!
10. Parents who bring their sick kids to Nursery. I love your kids, but please, the other kids don't want to get sick and neither do I!
11. Guys in really short shorts or tight pants. Eeewww!

I'm sure there are many more...


Audra said...

that is too funny! I would need pages to list all of my pet peeves. I had to laugh when I read this post, because when I was little- like 3rd grade- my mom got me this friends autograph book. Each page had a question like what is you favorite color, animal, season, etc. then one of the last pages it said list your pet peeve. Well, only being a third grader- I didn't know what that meant. So I had everyone write down their favorite pet. Guess I was a little off. Too funny!

wendysue said...

So true!! My favorites? #5 (I always sit right down and open my book/do my crossword so basically I'm saying "Don't talk to me!!"

#8--I hate that! I fly over those things? What, are they SUPPOSED to slow you down or something?

#10--"Oh, here's Johnny, he felt a little warm earlier, and here's a box of kleenexes for his nose, but see ya in 2 hours!"

#11--ewww. Even worse when they think that they look good. "I can SO wear these pants!"

Deb said...

Audra- That sounds like something I would have done too. I was trying to creativly think of a way to incorporate pets, but the juices just weren't coming, so thank you!

Wendy- you are too funny and I love it! I can just picture those old men with hairy legs saying, "I look so good." It brings me back to a lot of memories of junior high gym class.

Hollie said...

They also wear the long black socks with sandals. That's the cherry on top.

Yes, I agree with everything.

Audra, my sister found her autograph book. It sounds similar to the questions you had. She also had a date for when she asked the questions. She just recently asked my husband and me the questions and put them in the book. It was funny!

Amanda said...

#1, totally
#3, SO irritating
#6, WHY?, other than the fact for them to make money
#10, I agree, mostly because that is where my kids usually get sick.
#11, that goes without saying.

I could have quite a list myself.