Friday, September 11, 2009

Preparing Your House for Winter

Ready to pull out the fall decor?  Before you do, be sure to prepare you home for winter!

Falling Leaves
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License by cwalker71

Don't forget:

-Change your air filters to make sure your system working properly for the winter.  Also consider having an licensed technician check your unit.  Having the heat break down in the middle of a cold spell isn't fun for anyone, and may cost you more to have someone come look at it!

-Consider changing out light bulbs for the more energy efficient compact fluorescent.  You'll be happy that you're saving money and your husband will be happy because he doesn't have to get the ladder out to change them as often!

-Check the weather stripping around your doors.  This is easy to replace if missing or damaged and cuts down on those cold drafts!

-Get chimney cleaned to reduce the probability of a fire.

-Test all fire detectors and carbon monoxide detectors-replacing the batteries if needed.

What do you do every fall to prepare for winter?


1 comment:

Alycia Wicker said...

Seriously. Thanks for reminding me on the replacing the air filters. I always forget!