Friday, September 11, 2009

Glamour - check!

I just picked up my very own copy of Glamour magazine and this is why I'm so excited about it. {Yes, I'm tooting my own horn here, but never in a million years did I think this would happen}.

Shoot for the stars and things will happen.

Vive le weekend!

{image via jcaroline creative}


wendysue said...

So great!! Congrats!

p.s. I have some before/after design things I've done I need to email you!

Deb said...

We should do a little before and after feature on your house. You in?

Wilkerson Family said...

That's awesome!

Matt and Crystal said...

So i was just looking at your special in Glamour, thats so awesome! But i found something even cooler...I scrolled down to where you can go to other ideas you might like, and I totally know Danyelle! She lives in tri-cities and was in my ward for a long time! Small world :)

Marlyce said...

Congratulations! That is so cool.