Friday, September 18, 2009

DIY Decor ideas

Looking for some great DIY decor ideas to try out?  Well, you're in luck!  I searched around the web and found these beauties, many of which I am adding to the list. 

DIY Decor

Here's the link love to all these beauties- most complete with step by step instructions:

  1. DIY Magnetized wallpaper- Casa Sugar and kitty80

  2. DIY Lampshade- Sweetie Pie Pumpin Noodle and Down And Out Chic

  3. DIY Moss Urn- Creations by Kara 

  4. DIY Painted Furniture- Organized Chaos

  5. DIY Shoe Rack- Not Martha

Have a project your working on that you'd like to share?  Feel free to tell us about it here.

Have a great weekend!


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