Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Dinosaur in Our Midst

So I am over half way through the pregnancy, and conversation spurs everywhere I go about babies. Most of the time, it's with complete strangers, and it's delightful - I really do love it.

While at the pool the other day, a new friend quickly figured out this was my second child and said, "with one child, you feel like you can still do everything you did before kids. With the second, you are tired and ready to slow down."

And that I am, my friends. When I found out I was pregnant, it was exciting and shocking at the same time. I had a full plate with deadlines surrounding the baby's arrival and was already overwhelmed and exhausted (much to my own doing). And then Caden decided naps and sleeping were for the birds so more exhaustion set in. I felt like I was living in a pressure cooker-- trying to juggle being a good mom, and being involved with things I loved so much. Then one day, things started being taken off my plate and some tough decisions were made. A lot of faith ensued. Followed by a lot more peacefulness and happiness in my life.

I didn't realized how quickly I was trying to rush through life. It clicked about the moment I was getting mad at Caden for not sleeping when I finally woke up and realized that I was only thinking about me. He didn't want to take naps, and whatever I had to do needed to wait. Now some days we spend a little quite time relaxing and cuddling, instead of me fighting him so I can hop on the next conference call.

I've always loved this little Dinosaur with all my heart, and now I appreciate my motherly duties even more.

{Caden with this R-ar feet}


Nicole said...

Way to go Deb. I find that as I let go of things (most of which are my holdups) life is much more fun. So what if we go to the park on a wet day and the boys come home soaked and muddy? Two is fun, it's three you have to worry about. (just kidding!)

Erin S. said...

Those R-ar feet are precious! Hugs! I hope that one day I can meet little Caden in person!

Wilkerson Family said...

I love those pictures of Caden.

I'm not looking forward to when Gabe decides he doesn't want to nap anymore.