Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello Friday

I'm so glad that Friday is here!  It will be a quick weekend and then New York, my friends!  Since the sun has been shining around here, I wanted to share some inspiring links I've seen this week on the interwebs. 

You must see this tour of Julie Hendrick's home over at Bloesem Kids.  It's like a childhood dream.  Colorful, amazing and inspiring!  And check out her blog too-- it's equally inspiring!

Modern kitchens that make my heart swoon via Flamberti.

A tour of Zach Motl's 178 square foot Brooklyn Studio. 

Looking to buy a sewing machine within your budget?  Check this out first!

Make your own Duvet cover out of flat sheets by following this step by step tutorial. {via Indie Fixx}

Feel free to share your own inspiring links in the comments.  I hope you have a great weekend and we'll see you back on Monday!

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