Thursday, August 13, 2009

Q & A with Amy Butler

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to interview Amy Butler here on Fresh Nest!  We love her sense of style and love the way she carries herself and conducts business.  I fell in love with her fabric designs the minute I laid eyes upon them and have kept an eye on her work ever since.  I know I'm not the only one.  And now for the Q & A with Amy Butler.

What is your favorite room in your home and why?

I love spending time at home; it is hard for me to pick just one place! I love my living room. My friends have nicknamed our house “The tree house” because we are up on a hill surrounded by trees. Our living room is full of windows so even when it is cold or rainy out I can still bring a bit of the outside in with me.



What tips do you have for our readers that like to DIY home design?

Have fun with your design! Don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment a little bit. Your home is your space to do whatever you want, design for yourself and what makes you happy and comfortable. My favorite DIY design project is new pillows – they are quick, easy and affordable. They can change the entire look and feel of a room in just an afternoon.

Do you find that you've always liked the same color palettes, or do they change over time?  What's your current favorite color palette?

My color palettes are always shifting. You can see the evolution through my different fabric collections; over the years there have been many changes. My new collection, LOVE, will be released this fall and it is different from anything I have done before. It is full of rich and vibrant colors inspired from my recent travels to Indonesia, England and India. I am so excited for its release; I would have to say that it is my favorite palette at the moment!

We love your fabrics and designs.  Can you tell us more about where you get your inspiration from?

My inspiration comes from many different places but I pull most of my designs from nature. I love to garden and spend time outside so it is only natural that my designs reflect this passion! I also love to travel and spend time learning about plants and environments in different countries – over the last two years I have been to England, Australia, Bali, India and Mexico. I have explored gardens and wild plants in each of these countries, my designs look like an international travelogue filled with luscious florals and ancient, ethnic graphics.

We noticed that you have started a new bedding line available at Bed Bath & Beyond. (LOVE it!!!) Are you working on any other home products that we can look forward to?

Thanks! I am so excited about my organic bedding line, seeing it in the stores and online is a dream come true. I am already working on the future lines and I can’t wait to see how it continues to grow. I am releasing my new line of handcrafted rugs this summer too! They are all 100% New Zealand wool, hand made in India. I absolutely love how they have turned out! I had the opportunity to visit where my rugs are made and had the most amazing experience, meeting the people who are involved in the development and see the process take place before my eyes was truly remarkable.



What is the most important business pointer you can give our readers?

One of my most important business standards to live by is a strong focus on customer service. My customers always come first and I try to ensure satisfaction in every aspect of my business. Keeping customers happy and giving them an enjoyable experience when they visit will keep them coming back again and again.

Where is your favorite place to visit?

England, I love the gardens, the architecture and the entire lifestyle.

What is your favorite dessert?

I am a savory person so I’ll always take chips and dip over sweets!


This was so much fun, Amy!  We loved doing this interview and absolutely love your new bedding line.  And look at a preview of her amazing handcrafted rugs - they will be available for purchase very soon.

deb_sig and    erin_sig

images from Amy Butler and poppytalk


Erica said...

I've been looking all over for these rugs since they were supposed to come out this month right? can you tell me where I can find them?

Deb said...

They will be available in her web store the first week in September. Once we hear something on where else they will be available, we will let you know!