Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Fresh Nest: Danyelle's Cozy Brick House

One Fresh Nest is a new feature that we're doing on the site where we highlight a home that is beautiful and inspiring. 



Our first Fresh Nest is Danyelle's home.  Danyelle is a mother of five, is a genius creative and kind.  She blogs over at Dandee Designs and My Favorite Things.  She lives in what she calls the cozy brick house and she makes it just that. 



What is your favorite room in the cozy brick house & why? 
I really love our master bedroom.  It's actually funny to call it that.  Our home was built in the fifties and at that time most houses didn't have what we now consider a master.  Our bedroom doesn't have it's own bath or even a walk-in closet, but it gets great afternoon light.  It has enough space for the furniture we need and the squeaky wood floors are a reminder of simpler times.
When you are designing and decorating your house, where do you get your inspiration from? 
I find inspiration everywhere!  The conventional places like magazines, design blogs, home stores.  And some  unconventional places as well.  I love wandering around office supply stores, the ribbon section at a local craft store, or an antique shop. 
What is your favorite piece in the cozy brick house? 
I created a wreath out of book pages a couple of years ago.  It adds a bit of whimsy to a more traditional space in our home.  It's also sculptural and I really love it. 

Cozy brick house

How did you decide on a color palette for your home? 
I naturally lean towards colors that are found in nature.  Browns, greens, oranges...sometimes a little too much.  Recently, after having my fifth child I was sitting in the living room nursing and began to feel suffocated by all of the brown.  I hadn't really ever taken the time to sit and notice how much color was missing from that space.  Currently I am in the process of adding more color through paint and textiles.  Spicing it up a bit.

What color of paint is in your master bedroom & dining room?
"Pecan" Valspar paint from Lowes.  Valspar is the best coverage paint we have used, and we've tried them all!  This is the same color as the dining room.

Kids Room

Where did you find the chair in your daughter's room?
I found the chair at goodwill before my oldest daughter was born. I painted and distressed it, then had it re-upholstered just in time for her birth almost 8 years ago. It's still in great shape and is the best place in the entire cozy brick house to rock one of my babes.

Share your favorite DIY project in your home.  Tell us a little bit about it. 
My current fave DIY was one that I just completed.  You can learn more about it here.

Since it's Back to School week here on Fresh Nest, would you mind sharing some pointers?

  1. Start implementing your school bedtime NOW!  We started a week ago.  We still have two weeks before school starts here, but I wanted the children used to our old schedule BEFORE the big day.  No more of this 10:30 business!

  2. Menu planning.  Summer has wreaked havoc on my dinner schedule.  With BBQ's and vacations I'm dying to get back to a regular weekly menu.  This is a great tool.

  3. Inventory.  We are headed out on our final vacation this week.  We're going to the ocean on the Oregon Coast and doing the bulk of our back to school shopping while we're visiting that lovely sales tax free state.  To prepare, I've been taking inventory of my children's wardrobes.  What they need, what from last year will still work, etc.  I'm also using this opportunity to get rid of ill fitting, stained or un-usable items. 

Thanks Danyelle for sharing your cozy brick house with us and for the bonus back to school pointers!  I am amazed at all you are able to do.  It truly inspires me.  Consider your house Fresh Nest approved!



gina said...

Thanks for sharing more peeks into the cozy brick house- I'm a huge fan of dandee and I love seeing more of the little touches!

Jen said...

I love the color of the kitchen. Would you be able to tell me what the name and brand of the color is? Love your page!!