Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Flashback Wednesdays

This Flashback Wednesday is brought to you by superstitions. I don't know that this is necessarily a flashback, but these are some superstitious things I used to do when I was younger.

  • Hit the ceiling of the car if we ran a yellow light. I don't know what this really accomplished. I think it made us invisible so cops couldn't see us.
  • Lift up your legs and hold your breathe while passing a cemetery so you don't possess a spirit that has recently died. (The cemetery on 40th & O always killed me!)
  • Don't step on a crack or break your mother's back.
  • Blowing on dandelions to make a wish
Do you remember any superstitions you used to practice when you were younger? Share them, I'd love to hear.
Also, we have a great giveaway going on over at Fresh Nest for some stylish pillows. It ends tomorrow.
image here

1 comment:

wendysue said...

Funny about your tapping the ceiling. We used to do two knocks with our knuckle on the front windshield. I have no idea why. . .we just did?