Monday, June 15, 2009

Like 'em?

{tree decal from DaliDecals}
I go back and forth as to whether I like vinyl decals. Some of them are really awesome like the tree pictured above. Some of them are just plain cheesy. But then part of me wonders if I put something like the tree above up if I would tire of it quickly. That, and it would probably take an act of congress for me to convince Casey that something like this would be awesome and we can't live without it.
So tell me, what's your take on vinyl decals? Love them, hate them? Okay in certain situations?


Audra said...

I like them- especially in kid rooms and playrooms! We have Dr. Seuss quotes in our playroom...and some of the nursery decals are amazing.

I've always leaned a little towards it may be just me!

Christy said...

I'm 50/50. I have one in my craft room (the "create" definition) and I think I might like some kind of flourish in my bedroom when I get around to doing it. But I draw the line at the ones that go in the bathroom. Ick.

The Sayer Family said...

I might be a little cheesy, but I've made them for my house. Nothing overboard, the best part about them, if you tire of them, you pull it off and start over. No repainting necessary. I'm getting ready to do that in my living room.

Nicole said...

I think they are nice in certain places. I saw someone decorate a child's bedroom and it looked overdone but I do like the tree. A serious plus is that unlike wall paper or even paint, they are removable. I like removable. A lot.

Kindergarten Team said...

I like them, but will have to go with Christy--not too sure I would have one in the bathroom. If you visit you can custom make your own!

I have one in my kitchen right now and love it...thinking about getting one for the living room too!

Hilary said...

We put some from Ikea in Quinn's room and they look cute (also hide flaws in doors/walls!). They're subtle, almost a silhouette.

kat said...

Love them!

I love the hibiscus flowers! They go well with so many rooms and make me think of summer year round! However, the tree is probably the coolest one I've seen!