Friday, June 05, 2009

Blogging class

Blogging Research Wordle

{image here}

Our first class went so well, that we had people feeling bad that they missed out. So guess what...??? We're listening. Toolulu's next Blogging 101 class will be on June 20th from 1-2 pm at Scooter's at 84th & VanDorn.

Here's what you can expect:
  • Basic blogging how-to's- including links in your posts, how to add photos from other sites, inserting videos.
  • How to organize your sidebars, and add links and information
  • Want to know who's visiting your blog? We will teach you how to add google analytics or statcounter to your site.
  • How to make reading blogs easier. We will talk about google reader and show you how to use it.
  • Have general questions? We will be there to answer those too.

The best thing about this event? It's FREE. That's right, free. {Our last freebie, my friends}. And I guarantee that if you are a new to blogging or been around for a few years, you will learn atleast one thing. {If you don't, I'll refund your money}.

Class size is limited. If you are interested, please contact me ASAP at deb AT toolulu DOT com.

Vive le weekend!!


Nicole said...

Wish I could be there. It sounds like fun!

Marlyce said...

I wish I could come too. I cannot figure out how to get my videos from my Mac to upload. Do you have any tips on that? I always knew you were one talented gal, but you are apparently ridiculously talented.

Deb said...

I wish you could both be there too!

Marlyce- stay tuned... we are starting our very own blog that will give tips just like this.