Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sucky Tuesday

Today sucks. I know, I know, history is being made today. For that I am excited. But it doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that I had to leave my little one at daycare this morning. You see, ever since I had to go back to work after Caden was born, I have worked 3 days in the office and 2 days from home. Since much of my work is done on the computer, this worked well.

However, things have been changing where I work, thus changing my job functions. {That's a whole other story I won't bore you with} Hence, back to work in the office 5 days a week. Call me a whiner, or what have you, but it sucks. Completely sucks.

I've been fortunate to have great friends (Audra & Marianne) watch Mr. Caden so far. I never had to worry that he was in good hands. Today he started a new daycare with someone I hardly know. I know he will be fine and will probably enjoy all the children there, but it still sucks.

All I can say is that I hope this week goes by fast.


Nicole said...

What! So sad that you have to go back to working 5 days a week.

Tarver Family said...

Been there and done that... so I feel for you. He will be fine!!! And you will find yourself spending even more time in the evening with him and getting nothing else done... :)

Christy said...

Bummer! Can you take comfort in knowing that it is harder for you than it is for him?

Hilary said...

One of my fears as well. I think Christy is correct, it's harder for us than them!

Audra said...

oh .... makes me miss the little guy all the more! :)

Addie said...

Sorry Deb. I think Caden will have a blast and not think twice about it. I know that doesn't really make it any easier...but you definitely will spend all of your evenings with him getting absolutely nothing done... I'm still trying to fold clothes from last Monday... not yesterday, the week before that. Good luck!

Marianne said...

It has been much quieter at my house! I may sound crazy, but it seems like something is missing. I count the kids and remember that there's ONLY supposed to be four. I'm glad he's doing well with the adjustment. Unfortunately, the guilt of being gone doesn't go away (at least it didn't for me the two years I worked full time), but I appreciated the time I had to play with Ammon even more.

Kristine said...

Aw, that must be so hard for you but I'm glad the first days are going well. I love your office furnishings thus far and have to say thank you for posting that fine art print because I'm looking for something just like that for my bedroom. I'll have to check out her etsy store. Can't wait to see your finished project!! Miss you.