Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Blog Header

I have felt the need for change on my blog. (For more than a while). So here's my new blog header. What do you think?

I might even get crazier and change the background color. Still thing about that.

**ETA... yes, I had to change the background too. A nice new look for the Fall**


Sarah and Drew said...

I've been peeking at your blog since Hil started one. I really enjoy it...your family is beautiful and you are a great mom/wife. I like the blog header too. How do you do those?

Hilary said...

Thank you! I am wondering how you get the new blog headers as well. I only have a few options so I'm wondering if you're designing your own or if you know more about how to navigate blogspot than I do(?)

And if you're designing your own, how do you do it?

Unknown said...

Me three! Love your blogheader and would love to know how to design one...please share your tips. -Michelle H.