Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Long time, no blog

Hello! Hello!

So here's the deal, y'all... things have been a little crazy. Okay, ALOT crazy. Here is what's been going on with all of us.

1. I have realized that I'm not superwoman. I cannot and will not do it all. My priorities are my family and supporting the family right now and that's about it. Everything else happens when it happens (including my blog).

2. Starting a business is a lot of work. We have been busy tweaking and working on the photo business. We have been pretty busy and are doing well so far. We are having fun and have some new pictures on the site so check them out!

3. Caden is growing up so fast and started eating rice cereal this week. He kept waking up in the middle of the night so I thought it was a good time to start him on solids. As you can see, he didn't mind it too much.
4. We are getting ready for the 4th of July weekend. Waverly has the best parade ever and we have gone every year since we have lived here. It's a cute little small town parade with tractors and various local business "floats"- if you call a car with streamers a float. It is a lot of fun and we usually go away filled with candy and smiles. I have never seen so much candy at a parade... the children bring their pillow cases and go home with them nearly full! Then we hit up the local church for lunch. They have the best desserts. I love the 4th of July here and it always brings a great sense of community.

5. We have been working on finishing the rest of the basement. The plumber was here last weekend and worked on getting the bathroom all roughed-in and ready for finish. This project might drag on a little bit, but we are hoping to have it done by the end of the year.


Breanna said...

glad to hear that you guys are doing well. life definantly gets a lot more busier when you have a baby lol. Hope you have a happy fourth. I get to do the small town thing to this weekend at my in laws so I totally understand the excitement of seeing a parade lol. have a great day.

Marisa said...

I love your timeline for the bathroom/basement project. I don't feel so bad about just now getting on top of our dining room project. Depending on how much we get done while help is here, the end of the year might be our goal too.

Addie said...

Caden definitely looks like he is enjoyng the cereal.

The best advice I received about starting cereal... start with the rice cereal but if you notice he gets constipated switch to oatmeal.

Oatmeal has kept Conrad super regular.

Your 4th festivities sound like a lot of fun!!!