Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flashback Wednesdays

June 11, 1982 E.T. was released in theaters. Has it really been that long? I didn't see the movie until it was out on VHS, but I loved it.
Remember when Elliot stuck the thermometer under a lamp to make it look like he had a temperature? I tried this as a kid thinking it was genius. Needless to say, it wasn't genius at all... my mom asked me how I was still living with a 110 degree temperature.

There were other great parts to the movie as well. E.T. learning english from Sesame Street, flying a bike to the forest, Drew Barrymore in all of her cuteness and so much more. A definite classic.

Did you see E.T. as a child?


wendysue said...

I totally did the same thing with the thermometer!! Except then I tried to cool it down and shook it too much and broke it. . oops. . just a little mercury clean up.

I also loved E.T., cried every time! Come on, I was 8 years old! I saw it in the theatres at least 7 times.

And this ones for Christy. . ."Turn on your heartlight. . ."

Kristine said...

Dare I admit... I've never seen ET!

Heidi said...

I was totally afraid of ET...partly because my first experience with ET was when he extends his neck...I was 6 or so, and totally frightened!