Friday, April 11, 2008

Look who's sleeping

Last night I decided to put Caden to bed around 10pm which is a little earlier than normal. I thought he would wake up sometime between 12 & 1 AM.

So you can see how surprised I was when he didn't wake up until 6 AM.

Yeah for Friday & yeah for a good nights sleep!!


wendysue said...

Oh my goodness! I remember that first night that they actually slept! Don't you feel like a whole different person?

Joni Wiedrich said...

Hooray!! I bet it's nice to get a few hours a uninterrupted sleep. Henry will sometimes sleep 6 hours at a time, but not real regularly yet. Here's hoping....

Marisa said...

Aren't they the best!!!

Cambria said...

Yay Caden! He's so great. You guys must be feeling pretty good today!

Marlyce said...

Our pediatrician actually told us putting a baby to sleep early will make them sleep better. Kinley was a bit older than Caden when we got that info, but good for you anyways! Hope you enjoyed your rest.

Addie said...

Lucky duck. Conrad did that once when he was a month old and it has yet to happen again.

I'm really really jealous!!! :o)

Heidi said...

Lucky you! hopefully he makes this a habit!

Kristine said...

Ooohhh, I love it when that happens! I hope he continues to do well for you. I can't believe how big he's getting already... such a cutie!