Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flashback Wednesdays

Remember these? Marisa sent me this memory of big wheels, "We used to flip ours upside down and spin the wheels using our hands on the foot pedals. Mine had flowers between all the 'spokes' and we'd play flower shop by spinning the wheel to see what it landed on. Ahh, good times."

I remember flipping my big wheel over too and using the pedals to make the wheels spin too! I also remember tearing it up and having races down the driveway.

How about you? Were you a big wheel fan?


wendysue said...

We flipped ours over and wound it up and picked ice cream flavors. That was really odd now that I think about it, but it made total sense then!!

Heidi said...

When my big wheel was not involved in a race, it was upside down with me turning the pedals with my hands. What was I doing? I was making imaginary ice cream!

Rachel said...

My brother had a Knight Rider big wheel. I never had one. I remember that my brother and his friends used to fill up with "gas" with the hose. Oh if only we could do that now!

Kurt and Kristy said...

Thats so funny! I was going to send that memory to you! I even found a picture of my old cabbage patch one! I loved that thing! Ok and I see that we werent the only ones who used theirs to make ice cream!! So funny!!