Casey's mom just left and I miss her terribly. Seriously... I love my mother-in-law. She is so much fun to talk to and is so great about helping. (And I can't tell you how nice it was to be able to go to the bathroom when I wanted to.)
Of our many conversations while she was here, the one that I keep thinking about is what the grandkids should call her. She doesn't want to be called Grandma Averett because that's Casey's Grandma and she'd prefer to be called something different. These were the other options we came up with:
- Grandma Cindy
- Nana
- Granny C
- Just let the grandkids decide
What do you call your grandma and/or what do your kids call grandma?
We call them Grandma. Once my Grandma became a great Grandma she then became GG. So, now everyone calls her GG.
My mom wanted to be called grandmother because she thought that sounded better than grandma. But, by the time my kids actually started talking, she was okay with grandma because that was all they could say. We don't differentiate yet (Grandma/pa Charlton, Greer or Nelson) between them.
omie or oma- pronounced with a long o sound
you could try grandma a
I don't know...
My kids call them
Grandma Jill and Grandma Mary, the grandpa's started out as Papa Gary and Papa Junior and Papa Joel (just because Papa was easier to say, but now it's grandpa ___.)
Other options. . .on Matt's side they called their Grandma "mom-mom", it usually sounds more like "ma-mom" which I think is cute.
I know a family that calls their grandma "Umi" (like oooh-me), it means grandmother in some other language, I can't remember (that may be what Audra was talking about too)
My mom chose to be called Nana and we also call my grandparents Oma too (it's German!). Or my other grandma we called her Grammy! :)
We call my parents Mom-mom and Pop-pop and my husbands parents Grandma and Grandpa. Easier for the kids to distinguish. We called my grandparents Grandma green and Grandma brown, because thats the color house they live in! I miss your mother in law! I loved her and was sad when they moved away from Nebraska.
We do the official, "Grandma ___ and Grandpa_____" around here. Although Travis's side of the family grew up calling their's nana and poppy. My nephew calls his other side grams and grumps. I LOVE Cindy, wish I could have seen her. It's been sooooo long.
My mom had the same aversion to being called Grandma Collins so the kids call her Grandma Jullie. So my vote would be for Grandma Cindy!
my children call my parents grandma and granpa Gerlach and they call my in laws grandma joyce and grandpa dennis that's just what they started caling them so it stuck. my niece used to call my mom grammie girl.
So many to choose from!!! I love Oma or Umi, Mom-mom & Grammy girl. Too cute! I will let you know what we decide on.
I call my grandma "Gee Gee", my cousin couldn't say grandma. And my Mom goes by Grammy because she didn't want to be Grandma Brown like her mother-in-law.
Gramma Rox and 'Bill'(My mom and step dad)
Grandma Barnhard and Papa (you know who :))
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