Monday, March 24, 2008

Listening to the Doctor's order

*photo from Flickr*

I have decided that now would be the best time to enter an eating contest. I think I would be guaranteed a win. I can seriously shove down the food these days. It even impresses my husband. Before the little one came, I would eat about 1/2 to 3/4 of what he would eat. Now, I can put him to shame.

I eat just as much, if not more than he does and I can do it in record time. He now warns any guests we have over & apologizes for my grand shoveling skills.

"You have to watch out for my wife these days... she eats like a 14 year old boy." It's true, I could probably put a 14 year old boy to shame as well.

"Do you want a smock or might help with any flying debris." Debris, really? I didn't know I was that fast.

Well, I'm off to have my third snack between meals right now. No kidding. I think I could sit here and eat all day. The doctor says no dieting while nursing. And I simply say, "Amen." Now that's something I can handle and be really good at it too. Now if I only lived close to a Cafe Rio. Think you've seen debris? You've ain't seen nothing yet!

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Go for it and enjoy it while you can!!!