Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Flashback Wednesdays

Did anyone else have about a million of these little good luck trolls?

Remember these little Treasure Trolls that had bright day-glo hair and a little jewel on their tummy that you could use to make a wish?


Hollie said...

junior year in high school I worked at a kiosk at the mall and it was all troll dolls! I would dream about them.

Marlyce said...

Did anybody have them??? I still do, in fact, I have that wizard one. Too funny. Kinley thinks they are hilarious. You know, I have come to really look forward to Flashback Wednesday, so thank you!

Lindsey said...

Gotta love the trolls! I had one friend who was obsessed... she had a trolls music video and swore that her trolls came to life... too funny!