Thursday, October 11, 2007

Master this

Casey has decided to jump in and go back to school in January. We struggled with the decision as to where he should go.

-Should we move? House market stinks... probably not the time to sell.
-UNL? That's where Casey received his undergrad... what if he wants to teach someday? Not that he ever plans to, but what if that door were to open. Work and school... Omaha and Lincoln? Do they offer classes at 8pm?
-Creighton? $$$
-Bellevue? Does accreditation REALLY matter?

Enter in the Distance MBA program at UNL. This means that he will be able to continue working full time and juggling school on the side... all from his computer. Classes are on a modular schedule so they are very flexible with fitting them into your schedule. We figure if Casey ever wants to teach someday (highly unlikely, but he would be dang good at it and we want to keep our options open) it's really only the master's and doctorate that matter. Right? We just feel the strong urge that he needs to go to school now and this is how we are accomplishing that.

Would it be crazy if I decided to go back too? Both working full time, going to school with a kid. It's possible, right?

Okay, probably not. But, I really do want to get my master's someday. I just don't want to be one of those moms that gives up my goals and dreams just because I have kids. If I have to put it off for a little bit, I'm okay with that, but I still want to live my life for me too.

And you could be thinking that I'm a selfish person right now. Maybe I am, but I really think in order for my kids to be happy and successful, I have to be happy and successful too. Successful meaning achieved, determined and content. I'm not thinking $$$ or the big time job in a corporate office. None of that really means anything to me. It could mean maybe getting my masters, writing a book or starting a small business. It could also mean dreaming big and leaving those dreams as dreams.

I am really looking forward to being a mother and starting a family. As all other moms, I want to be the best mom I can be and I believe this also means being the best me I can be. My goal is to be there when I am spending time with my kids. I hope to be a mom that sparks creativity and knowledge and LOVE with my children.

Okay, I realize I have just gone off on a rant. Being pregnant really brings all the crazies out of the woodwork and this is my response to them. My life will not be over after I have a child, it will just be starting on a new level.

I believe it is possible to have my cake and eat it too, because I just won't settle for anything less.

Discuss amongst yourselves


Christy said...

Good for you guys! What does Casey want to teach? Does he want to be a professor? We have a little bit of insight if that is the way he wants to go.

I went to grad school for a little bit before we got our kids and a little after but decided it wasn't for me. It is definitely a struggle to juggle everything---but NOT IMPOSSIBLE! I'm a believer that if mama (and papa) is (are) happy, the kids will be too!

Deb said...

Christy- Casey doesn't ever plan on teaching, but realizes the further he goes with education, more doors will open. If that happens to include being a professor, then great. But ideally, he would like to be a brand manager or a marketing guru.

Someone just needs to give him the chance because his mind is always buzzing with great ideas!

Tarver Family said...

I totally hear you. I have some education and worked for over 6 years in that field.... along being a wife and mother. I decided that wife and mother needed to be the main part in our lives now.. so career is on hold. no problem there because I changed what I wanted to do anyway. So I take pictures on the side (and someday will have that all up and going). But in the mean time.. Mike is going back to school (which we opted not much working so he can do his best in school). And really it isn't about everything... it is about being happy!!! so you are on the right track. Looking back... sometimes I wished I never worked after I had kids... but I learned a ton of things that will help me in life. So I am grateful for all of that!!! Ok I guess I am done for now... I didn't realize I wrote this much.

Joni Wiedrich said...

I say you do what is right for your family. What works for you doesn't work for others and vice versa. For me, I don't think I could handle kids and a job and school. I am grateful I finished school before we had kids cause I don't think I would've gone back. Just do what's right for you and don't worry about anyone else! If you and Casey and your kids are happy, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks or says.

Lindsey said...

Being pregnant really does make you think about all those kinds of things, and sometimes it seems like a big sacrifice! You should really read Home Alone America by Mary Eberstadt; it's awesome and it really gave me good perspective on the issue of balancing time for kids and time for other things.

katielovie said...

My Mom is going to Bellevue. THey have this program i dont remember the name of it but it's accelerated program and she goes once a week...Wednesday nights from 6:00-10'sh pm

Audra said...

I think you should go for it! Being a parent is challenging in and of itself- so by going back to school your not making it worse.

I started college when the twins were 6 weeks old and continued for the next 6 years. You make it work. Just know that its your family and your life. And you do what is right for them not what society says is right.

I also think it would be easier with a baby- as opposed to waiting until the kids are older. Because school age children begin to get a life of their own - with appts and lessons and sports ... and then you will never have time!

You can do it- you have more than enough support from all of us! Best of luck!

Oh and I am going back to school in August- once you start ...finish! It is so hard to find time to get back in if you don't!

Hollie said...

Good for you! I know everyone is different when it comes to this. I've enjoyed working from home with Mckenzie here with me. It's been challenging, but I couldn't imagine not doing it.

I'm planning on going back to school too. I've now decided on what I want to do. I've had some time to decide. It's always been our goal for me to go back when Ryan is done. It would be awesome if I could start next year. I would like to finish up before the next kido, but we'll see.

Deb said...

Thank you for your comments everyone... I know for sure that we are sending Casey back to school and I will probably wait another year or so to decide what I'm going to do. I just keep thinking... well, my end goal is to be at home with the kiddies so is a masters degree really going to do anything for me?

Kristine said...

So here's my 2 cents Deb... I think you and I are much alike in this regard... Being able to get my Pharm.D. and work for several years before kids was a wise move on my part--- now I have no longing to further my education because I went as far as my degree would allow and am not itching to go back to work either. For me, being happy as a mom and wife means I am making sure I'm happy with me... that means I take classes if I feel like it and persue all hobbies and interests I enjoy. I'm very grateful to have a husband who is willing to sacrifice to make this all possible. If a masters is what you want, I say go for it. You have lots of help around you (friends and family) and could make anything possible, providing you're ready to make the sacrifice. Good luck!!