Yeah, that's right, we are half way there. I'm just over 20 weeks! Hard to believe, but oh so exciting. This weekend we went to register at Targét and I have to admit, we were a little overwhelmed. So many different types of bibs, burb clothes, bottles. Is there really that big of a difference? We kind of got off track and spent a lot of time in the electronics department.
Nintendo Wii?
I hear it's a must have for 3 month olds these days. According to research (see below) it helps them steer clear from depression and boredom.
Plasma tv?
The baby needs it (that is if s/he wants to be cool at play group).
Am I just a little off track?
Help a sister out... what is something you couldn't live without?
What makes your must-have list for babies? (Diapers, bottles, slings, big ticket items, anything and everything!)
A must for me was the boppy pillow. We actually have two. They are great for feeding (nursing or bottles), especially at night because it does most of the holding up of the baby and your arms and body is so tired in the wee hours of the morning. Also, (I didn't figure this out until Whitney), they are fabulous for the baby to sleep in. You just stick the boppy in the crib/bassinet/whatever, and curl them up inside of it and they are as cozy as can be.
Oh, and a swing. That was a "I don't care how much it costs I'm going to get one right now" purchase when Maddie was 3 weeks old. She would sleep in it while I showered. But I know some babies don't like it so much. (you actually can borrow ours if you'd like to!)
I totally agree with Wendy, the Boppy is a must!! Especially about the sleeping part. My kids all had acid reflux and sleeping on the boppy really helps.
It's funny how opinions are so strong and different when it comes to must-need items. My newborns practically lived in their cradle swing (I think it's by Fisher Price)... it was the side-to-side cradle like movement that I loved. Oh, and my latest find was the bumbo chair. Perfect for 3 months and older to keep them sitting upright. We loved to put Noah in it during dinner time, and sit it on top of the table so we could all eat together.
Okay, that second video was so funny! I'll think about your question. Kinda weird how Nora will just be 2 in a few weeks, and I can't really even remember what it was like with a newborn. One think I think I'll be getting for this one, though, is a bundle me thing for the car seat since it will be winter. I haven't bought one yet but found one one Amazon or Target. We just had one of those covers for Nora, but I think I'll like the bundle me better.
My MUST HAVE was a travel system (car seat/stroller combo). We had to travel so much with Caleb in the early days that being able to pop his car seat right into the stroller without waking him up was a BIG DEAL! When Eva was born we got the 2 seater travel system.
Swings are hit or miss. I'd definitely borrow one or find one cheap at a garage sale or second hand shop. Same thing with bouncy chairs. Caleb LOVED his and Eva HATED it.
I totally agree with boppy pillow and swing. Something I wish I would have spent more time with was trying out the baby slashes(don't know technical term, but all mine hated the baby sling, but Kelty carriers have been our best bet, they love it. But I never got a chance to try the shash thingy.
Birp rags-clothe diapers work good for that.
You can never have too many blankets.
Stock up on Laundry detergent--you will be doing laundry everyday at least two loads.
Stock up now on diapers.
I know you didn't ask for advice, but sister couldn't help--this was my only chance....
Thank you everyone!!
Wendy- I have heard from multiple people that the bobby is a must have so we will be sure to put it on our list. We also registered for a swing, but if things don't work out, I might take you up on borrowing yours.
Rachel- I never really thought about the baby sleeping on the bobby so thanks for the pointer.
Kristine- I love the bumbo and my sister was so kind to let me borrow hers.
Joni- I was wondering if we would still need a bundle me because I don't think we will be leaving the house that much with the little one. Who knows, I could be wrong. Probably better to be on the safe side...???
Christy- Travel system. Check. I've heard the same things about swings, but I want to have one around just in case the baby loves it.
Julie- you know I will always love your advice and you have been so helpful so far.
Ours was the bouncer. She would rather be in it than be held. Their is also this new boppy chair. They have them at Target. All my friends with babies have them and can't live with out them. They are pretty new and I wished I had one with Mckenzie.
I meant to say there not their....I'm a dork!
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