Pinch-rolled jeans
One of my 80s favorites... I thought I was so cool knowing how to pinch roll my jeans. Little did I know, I looked like a complete moron. Being such a tall kid, the last thing I needed was to make my jeans even shorter. Ah, memories.
Were you a member of the pinch-rolled jeans club?
heck ya- I didn't do it for too long - but my friend Jill did it for years! Too funny! I am going to roll my jeans today and see what John says.
Audra, you are funny! Of course I rolled my jeans, who didn't? I was also too tall to be doing that. I could never find jeans long enough anyway!
Ok this made me laugh. Not only did I do the fold and roll, but I made sure the fold would stay put with a safety pin!
Even I did this. My older sister was in middle school, so I thought I was pretty cool being in 4th or 5th grade and tight rolling my jeans!! I love your flashback do you remember all of this stuff?
I totally did this with all my jeans! Especially my acid wash Gloria Vanderbilts.
With my Guess overalls I did the half french roll with the pair of socks (or two) over the top.
Good times.
Ahhhh....tight roll your jeans. That's what we called it. We were so hot!
Come on Deb, you can try and pretend that you found that image "online" somewhere. . .we all know it was you!
Audra. . .you crack me up, you're only allowed to roll your jeans if they're like Christy's acid wash and super high waisted and baggy.
Really, did we think that looked ok? High waisted, super baggy and pinched tight at the ankle?
I just love flashback Wednesday! I can remember the very day that my sister's boyfriend taught me how "peg" my pants as we called it in Wyoming. Oh what a stupid fad that was, but I "pegged" with the best of them.
I loved hearing everyone's comments on this... especially all the different names for this fantastic fashion movement. And Audra... you are too fun. You must take a picture of your rolled jeans.
And Wendy, you caught me... what can I say... I just can't let this fashion go. :)
Heck yes I was a member of the pinched rolled jean club, does that date me or what!
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