Friday, July 27, 2007

Blonde moment

I went just last week to have my hairdresser pump up the blonde in my hair to finish out summer. I think it's now starting to have long lasting effects on me.

I went to Wendy's last night to pick up dinner for Casey & I. One second before I pulled up to the ordering thingy-ma-bob, I got off the phone with Casey. He told me he wanted a spicy chicken meal. Okay, I can remember that.

Wendy's Rep: Order whenever you're ready.

Me: Just one sec....

I starting looking at the menu trying to find a spicy chicken meal... where is the spicy chicken meal?... oh, there it is... number 6.

Me: I will take a number 6 with a Dr. Pepper and a whopper jr. meal

Wendy's Rep: You mean the number 1?

Me: Is the number 1 the whopper jr. meal?

Man from nowhere- "Wendy's Rep #2" (trying to hold back his laughter as I have an epiphany... I'm at Wendy's!): Ma'am, we don't have whoppers here.

Me: Yeah, I just realized that.... I will take the number 1.

All I have to say is thank goodness it's Friday.


Audra said...

that is so funny! I'm glad i am not the only one who has done that!

Audra said...

also glad to hear I'm not the only one who loves DP! Guilty pleasure!