Sunday, March 04, 2007

Random mailbox

If you are wondering why the caption party, you can read about Reader Appreciation Month here. I know, you may feel outwitted by our super commenters so far, but it's okay, we won't laugh (OR maybe we will)! Feel free to jump in at anytime... all people are welcome.

The picture for March 4th:


Christy said...

I'm so naughty. I can't leave the comment I was thinking of and now I can't think of anything else that would be appropriate.

Where the heck did you see this?

wendysue said...


Audra said...

This is the next target on 'OPERATION: UGLY MAILBOX SMACK- DOWN!'

Christy said...

Oh, see? You guys are good!

Audra said...

Don't worry Christy- I was going to reference the ill placed mailbox on Uncle Sam- but then decided to keep this a family friendly comment- but I was right there with you!

Deb said...

I am impressed you guys! I seriously had second thoughts about posting this picture because I like to keep my blog "family friendly". But I just couldn't resist... I mean, seriously, who would buy THIS?

If you want to do a drive by it's on 69th & Benton or Fremont, one of the two).