Thanks to all you readers for keeping my blog PG! That last one was a challenge, I know, but thanks for holding your tongue. The worse stuff you have all happened in the past. Remember this? Whoa! That was crazy, huh?
Picture for March 5th:

P.S. Happy 3rd Birthday, Ashton!!
Nice ladder, Deb!! I'm proud of you!! And more so, I bet Dad was proud of you!!
"Hey- isn't that the lady carpenter from Trading Spaces?"
"Do as I'm doing. Follow, follow me. You can do it HIGH or low. Come on, Casey! Do it! Otherwise, you won't get the refreshments."
"Welcome back to the show. . .Drywall Deb. Today we're working in the basement. . ."
Julie- I had to get creative with the ladder. Nice choice, huh?
Audra- I wish I were that cool.
Christy- No joke, I had that song in my head while I was doing this. We sang it about 5 times in Nursery on Sunday.
Wendy- Someday, someday... they will hate me though... I "screw" up a lot. Hahahaha.
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