Wednesday, December 13, 2006

2 suitcases and a carry-on... is that all?

So here's how it went.... It was Saturday... which by the way, is the only day that Casey and I ever get anything productive done. During the week, we get home by 6 (if we're lucky) and take Jonzy on a walk or veg for a little bit. Then we have dinner and usually some other activity (usually church related) and then it's off to bed we go.

Knowing that Saturday was the only day to get my Christmas shopping done, I planned it out. Every last minute. I knew the crowds would be crazy and I had to be on my feet. And guess what? It actually worked! Casey and I were on a time schedule too, so that helped... we didn't have time for dilly-dallying. Jonzy can only be left for about 6 hours before he has to "do his thing."

Start time: 12:00 (12:30 if you don't count our stop at Backyard Burger for lunch... yum, yum)
End time: 5:00
***Keep in mind, this includes travel time... about 30 minutes each way.

Impressive, I know. :) I would list what I all accomplished, but I can't disclose those secrets... Santa might get mad! But lets just say we bought gifts for 10 people and went to 6 different stores. And might I add, we saved the best for last... Walmart. It's truly amazing that I didn't scream or have a panic attack while we were there.

After being so well thought out, you think I would have thought about getting all of these gifts on the plane. Nope, I didn't. So, any ideas for getting a 3'x2' box on the plane without taking all my packing space??? :)

Merry Christmas!!


dj7 said...

DHL, UPS or USPS would be my recommendation, but you better hurry!

p.s. you can just drop mine off at papa's house :)

Hollie said...

So, how did you get it there? Have you left already?

I behind on reading my blogs.

ps. Did you watch the Huskers do some major A kicking? That was awesome!

Deb said...

David- We probably should have just waited to buy all the gifts... but it is always a little too crazy when we get there and I just didn't want to do that... so it may be the cheapness in me, but I have a hard time spending $10 on shipping a $20 gift, ya know??? :) Especially since we already spent $800 on shipping ourselves out to Utah.

Oh, don't worry, we have saved gifts... It will be a Happy New Year!

Hollie- We ended up packing 5 pieces of luggage. We happened to have a big duffle bag big enough to take the big box.

We leave today(tuesday). The Husker game was AWESOME!!! Were you able to watch it? WOOHOO!

Hollie said...

ESPN2 Baby!

Unknown said...

How was the trip?