Monday, May 01, 2006

Welcome Jonzy!!!

This weekend it was just too rainy to do much of anything. Practically all of my weekend plans went out the window because of it. On Saturday, I was going to first go to garage sales and look for some antique stuff to put on top of my kitchen cabinets. After that I was going to go pick out some bushes and flowers to spruce up our new lawn. But all of this didn't sound like fun in the rain. The only thing that I did plan on that actually happened was running. The marathon is next week (May 7th) and Saturday was our last big mile run. This week, I only have to do 3- 3 mile runs and a 2 miler the day before the race. Then it's over, FINALLY over. :) No more running taking over my life! And we can go back to eating normal and not having to eat pasta every Friday night before the big run on Saturday. (I know Casey will appreciate this).

So with all this rain, Casey and I decide it would be a good day to go look for a pet to join our family. (NOTE: I don't recommend this unless you are actually planning on bringing home a pet!) We knew all along when we got a house of our own, that we would get a dog. So meet Jonzy (pronounced Jonesy but spell a whole lot cooler). He is a boxer pup and will get to be about 80 lbs. so watch out!

He sure has been a lot of fun and I think he is good training for the preparation of having kids (no, I know, dogs are not the same as kids and I'm not implying that). However, we haven't gotten hardly any sleep these last couple nights and have not just been able to "pick up and go" as we are so used to. But he sure is worth it... how can you deny this cute little guy???


Hollie said...

Deb, he is so cute!. I've heard that boxers are good around children as well. So, you're all set for that. I think a dog is kinda good prep. for kids. It's the whole taking care of something "alive" and other than your self.

Mckenzie can't wait to meet him!

Christy said...

How cute! Jonzy looks happy. What a way to break in your new home! You're real grown ups now....home owners, pet owners, etc...

Deb said...

Hollie- Yeah, we were on the if you can keep a plant alive, move on to the dog. Well, the only plant that we could find that we could keep alive was bambo, but hey, it qualifies. So now we are on to the dog. If we can keep him alive, maybe we can move onto children!! :) Jonzy can't wait to meet McKenzie either!!!

Christy- Jonzy is very good at breaking in the home... chewing up carpet, chewing up furniture, all the good stuff! :) But hey, we love him and he will learn.

Christy said...

Did you survive the marathon? Looking forward to the blog entry with all the good information!

Deb said...

I survived and a blog will be coming!!!