The result.... 2 hours, 8 minutes and 59 seconds. Whew! Just barely made my goal. The weather was absolutely perfect- close to 50 degrees and cloudy most of the way. It was fun to see all that came out to support us runners. My favorites were my husband, Jonzy, my mom and dad, my older sister, Hollie and Mckenzie. Thanks to all the great supporters!! It made this run a whole lot easier. It was also fun to run with over 3,500 runners! Whenever we would go up or down a hill, it was a sea of runners. It was awesome.

Me running towards the finish line
Some of the most interesting things I saw along the way were:
1. A 10 year old running with her mother.
2. Men peeing in bushes by Super C on Sheridan.
3. A brave young man peeing at the gate of the Country Club when a golf cart starts heading his way.
4. A woman talking on her cell phone while running the race.
5. People handing out beer to refresh the runners.
6. College age kids parked in front of their house, sitting on camping chairs, drinking beer (it's 8 in the morning- I assume they never went to bed!?!?!)
After the race they had music blaring- don't really ask me why.... it's not like we were in the mood to dance or anything. They also had yummy oranges and bananas. And gatorade. Yum! My sister also brought us Eileen's sugar cookies. These are soooo good after a long run. Must have something to do with replacing all that lost sugar. I actually felt really good after running (besides my throbbing knee). It felt really good to accomplish a goal that I never thought I would want to do, yet alone accomplish!

We're still standing!
Picture of Me, Kris & Corey after the race
There is no way I could have done it without my supportive husband. He put up with eating pasta nearly every Friday night for about 10 weeks (talk about exciting date nights!) and going to bed earlier than we do during the week. All so I could get up at 5:30 am on Saturdays to go into town to run with my sister and her husband. When I came home all I would want to do is rest and eat. Love you bunches... xoxo... thanks for your support honey!
Congratulations Deb! What an accomplishment!! And LOVE the pics of the new pup!
You're pretty awesome! Those shoes were worth every penny!
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