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Do you have a tv in your bedroom? My husband and I are discussing getting a new tv this holiday season. We have had a tv in our room ever since I have known. We don't watch a lot of tv, but for about an hour when we go to sleep. It is our wind down each night and our routine. I know there are studies out there that say it's bad on the marriage. That tv's take out all the romance in a relationship. But I don't think so. We have been doing this for nearly 10 years, and it hasn't caused a single problem.
I'm curious, though. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? Why or why not?
Absolutely. We recently discussed taking it out for better sleep b.c I have a habit of falling asleep with it on which annoys the hubs but, we LOVE our tv in the bedroom, it is our routine also and i think about when I am sick or something, how badly you just wanna lay in the bed and watch tv so its gotta stay! ha
I'm all for some bedroom tv! We have one and it's never caused any issues for us...outside of I want to watch HGTV and he wants to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter! I love to cuddle up and watch tv in bed together, so if anything we're getting more cuddle time!
Hi, We have a TV in our room also. It hasn't caused any problems for us except as Jenny said discussions over decorating or sports channels. Which are better?
No, we have never had a tv in our bedroom. In fact,we have one tv in our house and it is in the family room, in the same room as our only computer. This all on purpose. Strategic. Less reason for anyone to want to cocoon themselves in their room and miss the fun of the family.
Ditto Becky, actually we have the same set up in our home. With so much going on in our lives I prefer connecting with each other to connecting to the tube...
We don't have a TV in our room. It started that way b/c we only have 1 TV so I went in the family/living room. We recently purchased a new TV and were thinking of where to put the old one (that still works) and neither one of us wants to put it in the bedroom. We like that our bedroom is a little sanctuary w/o TV or internet :)
Recently I took the TV out of our bedroom because I have always heard that the bedroom is for 2 things (sleep and romance). However, I missed being able to watch the news in the morning as I got ready. We just moved and made the decision to get a new TV for the bedroom. We will see how it goes.
We had a TV in our bedroom and often ended up in separate rooms because of our show choices. So we decided to remove it from the bedroom and focus on compromising over TV shows and talking about our day when we go to bed rather than watching TV. Its been a great choice!!
No TV in our bedroom, despite how often my husband asks. I don't like the disruptions -- waking up, or letting the TV take precedence over more important bedroom activities. :)
TV causing a problem in marriage? As a scapegoat issue, it could be blamed. The real problem is probably a self-absorbed spouse.
But who doesn't need a little self-absorption. Give the guy a break, unless it becomes (or already is) a way of life.
What I don't like about tv in bedroom is the glow.
so if you went flat screen that would be better.
THe other thing you do have to watch is how much time is spent with watching it. But that goes for any room.
We have a TV in our bedroom. My husband turns on the Iron Chef reruns and I fall asleep instantly.
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