Tuesday, October 06, 2009

How to Pick A Grout Color

I get asked quite a bit how I pick a grout color for tile projects.  There are many factors to consider and when a tile is mottled or includes multiple colors it makes it a little more difficult.  So how do I pick which color of grout to go with my tile?  Hopefully this little post will help you make your own decisions when it comes time for your own tile project!

Before you even look at grout colors decide this:  Do you want your tile to appear seamless or to look more like a checkerboard?  Either have a place in your design and are fine but the aesthetics of it are up to you.

I'm going to use the Fidenza Porcelain Tile from Daltile to show you.

How to Choose a Grout Color

The lighter grout gives it a checkerboard effect, which is perfectly fine if that's what you'd like, although keep in mind that white grout should only be used with white tile.  Any other tile color and the white will be too stark.  White grout should be used sparingly as it is extremely difficult to keep clean for long periods, and is also more prone to yellowing over time.  (Take a look at some of the public restrooms you use.  You'll notice that if they have white tile they may have used white grout on the walls, but the floors are almost always a grey grout with the white tile.  Designers figure that it's going to turn grey anyway so we'll go ahead and specify it grey.)

Remember that not too much of your grout will show and that you want to highlight the tile, not the grout!  Grout also dries a little darker than when you apply it.  I hope with these simple tips you'll be able to make your own decisions on grout color!


1 comment:

Marcy Tate said...

Your post was very helpful- I didn't realize that there were so many grout color choices, thanx.