Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tips for Small Spaces

Small spaces can seem challenging to design so I'd like to give a few general tips today that might help you expand your small space.

General tips:

  • Make your rooms comfortable, yet functional.  Everything should serve a purpose in a small space.

  • In addition to functional, make sure everything has a spot.  You may need to focus on the items you really need, and pitch things that you sort of need, or love.  A clean and non-cluttered space will always seem larger and open.

  • Use color to your advantage.  The use of white and cool colors can make a space feel larger than it actually is.


{via Apartment Therapy}


  • If you have a lot of party serving platters, consider using these as artwork somewhere in the home so you aren't taking up valuable cupboard space.

  • Be creative- Use spices as decor, hang your knives on a magnetic wall rack.

  • If you have soffits, make sure your cupboards go all the way to the top- as high as possible and make sure they are the same width as the soffit so they blend in and don't stick out.  You may have to get out a step stool to get all the way to the top if you have tall ceilings, but it will be nice storage.


{via Apartment Therapy}


  • If you live in a studio/efficiency, try to separate your bedroom area from the main living area.  We promise you will be so much happier.  {See the picture above- the bookshelf serves as a divider - and storage!}

  • Hopefully you have a closet close by, but if not, you can purchase one.  The Hosle from IKEA is a reasonable solution at $79.99.  If you have the room for something a little bigger, try the Kullen for $149.00.

  • An easy storage solution is found under the bed.  The Container Store has great products that will fit right under your bed and make things easily accessible.

Do you live in a small space?  If so, how are you using your space to your advantage?


1 comment:

Emily Dresser said...

Totally agree with the under bed storage. There are a ton of options (the storage bins you mentioned, all the way to a complete bed frame with drawers).

Also, think vertically. Hang things on the walls. Consider over-the-door hangars to hang things like those fabric shoe organizers that usually go in your closet. Lots of extra room made that way!