Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time Saving Back to School Tips

I don't have children yet, but I do know that mornings can be a rush, especially when everyone is getting ready and has to go in many different directions.  Here are a few tips to get your day started right:

Emily's meant to be doing her homework!
Attribution-NoDerivs License by squarepants2004j/auntyhuia

1. Set out homework, signed slips, and anything else that needs to go to school the next day, better yet, get it all packed so the backpacks are ready to grab and go.

New Lunch Bag
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License by ex.libris

2. Use the weekend to get lunch items ready for the upcoming week.  Make a couple of batches of jello, pudding, salad, or cut up veggies and put into small plastic containers.  They stack nicely in the fridge and are tons cheaper than buying the pre-made ones.  When you're ready to pack lunch in the morning, just grab a few of your pre-made containers and add to the lunch box.

baby sweater
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License by exile in suburbia

3.  Help your child set out two outfits the night before.  In the morning they can choose between the two and hopefully this will reduce the amount of disagreements over what can be worn!


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