Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Downloadable Space Planner

Today I've got a treat for you!  We've created a free space plan download so that you can design and rearrange your own space.  It's simple to do and can even be reused!


You'll need Acrobat Reader to open and print it.


Print all sheets on white cardstock and laminate the grid sheet.  After you've laminated it you're ready to go.  Cut out the furniture pieces, doors, and windows that you need.

Use a dry erase marker to outline your room, remember that each square is 6" so each 1 foot piece of wall will take up 2 squares, got it?  When you need to do another room, just erase and layout your next space!  Yea! What do you think?  Will you use it?  Let us know if there's any pieces that you've just got to have and we'll see about adding in another add-on download.


1 comment:

Wendy said...

This is great! thanks so much!