Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flashback Wednesdays

Flashback Wednesday is where I bring back goodies from the good old days. The 80s & 90s. I talk about fashions, trends, toys, you name it. These are some of my wonderful memories from childhood.

I remember going to junior high (that's what it was called way back then, remember???!!) and saving from all my babysitting jobs for a pair of tapered guess jeans. They had to be stonewash and tapered. Just like this....

GUESS? jeans-1

It makes me cringe just thinking about it.

image here


Hilary said...

wow, that's awful. Just awful. I'm sure that lady has a nice figure stuffed somewhere under those atrocious jeans. I cringe at the memory of bangs. Even the hairstylist telling me and friends that we had "hairspray buildup". Ouch

Marisa said...

It was and always will be awful, I had 1 pair of guess pants back in the day. The things we do.

Christy said...

I had guess overalls and I worked those things hard. Yeah, baby.

Nicole said...

Aaahhhhhh. I remember those jeans. I suppose that is the benefit of growing up poor enough we couldn't afford what was in - I never wore anything like that. Good memories.

Anonymous said...

If you feel that bad, I'm sure I still have a pair in the "garage sale stuff that won't go but we keep trying anyway" pile. :)