Friday, May 30, 2008

Weather the Storm

Today I have googley eyes. You know, where your eyes bounce around and can't focus. It's probably because I was up until midnight last night sitting in our living room with no power and listening to the radio making sure we didn't need to take cover. I tell you what, it sounded like the wind was going to pick up the house and take us for a ride.

I don't think a storm has scared me that much in a really long time. I blame that on motherhood. The only thing I could think about was little Caden sleeping soundly in his crib and possibly having to scoop him up and run downstairs.

Would it wake him up?

Would he be scared?

Am I being a bad mother by letting him sleep through this in his lonely crib while I'm on pins and needles in the living room?

What IF we were picked up by a tornado?

Did we ever list beneficiaries on our life insurance?

Crap. We don't even have a will. What would happen to Caden if we both died?

Being a mother is great, but I sure do worry a lot more than I used to. A silly storm throws me into worrying about life (or would you say death) planning. But back to my googley eyes (apparently I'm having trouble focusing all together). Staying up until midnight and then Caden decides that having a party at 3 am would be fun.

Not fun, not fun, baby Caden. Sounds like it will be a fun Friday night... filled with sleeping, hopefully.

Vive le weekend!


Breanna said...

Isn't it surprising what will scare you once you become a mommy? Storms never bothered me untill I had my kids, and I don't think anyone prepared me for the terrifying storms in my life. It's very interesting what runs through your head when you'r scared, it deffinantly makes you put your priorities in order.I hope youu weren't with out electricity too long, and I hope you get some sleep tonight. breanna

Audra said...

ughhh- we were up late too! I was so worried about the tornadoes heading our way... I was more terrified of our HUGE 80 year old shade tree falling on our bedroom! The girls couldn't sleep and were up until about 11:45...but the lightning was really cool!

And just think- another whole week of storms! just lovely!

try to get some rest this weekend!

wendysue said...

That storm totally kept me up too! I'm fine during the day/early evening, but as soon as it's pitch black and you can't SEE what's happening out there I can freak myself out pretty well. Being upstairs the wind and rain was SO loud, so I finally took Whit down to sleep in the girls room and set up the air matress for Matt and I in the living room, incase we had to make a quick escape for the basement. . .it seems a little crazy now.

Kristine said...

Sounds awful! I'm glad everything turned out ok though. How well does Caden usually sleep these days?

Deb said...

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one freaking out. And the storm was pretty awesome.

Kristine- he sleeps pretty well overall... usually I put him down between 8 & 10 and during the week I usually have to wake him up around 6:30. On the weekends he will sleep until about 7:30. He slips up about once a week so it's not too bad. How about Brady, is he sleeping better these days?