Monday, May 12, 2008

Lovin' is where it's at

So here it is... my first Mother's Day as a mother has come and gone. It was a great day. It was the most I have pondered and thought about my goals and priorities in life in a really long time. Since my return to work, I have thought about these things more often. I constantly analyze and reanalyze my choices to make sure I am doing what I think is best.

When I woke up yesterday morning, I was filled with guilt. The house was a mess, I was really tired (Caden has decided that sleeping through the night isn't quite his cup of tea), the laundry hadn't been done in over a week and I was s-t-a-r-v-i-n-g. And there Caden was with a huge smile on his face. All of my worries had seemed to go away.

Casey had made it his goal to make sure my first mother's day was awesome and whipped up some pancakes, bacon and eggs. It was good.

I sat there in church and thought about my life. Am I doing all that I can? Yes, I am trying and that is all I can do. I have a tendency to be really hard on myself. I think I can do it all and not only that, but do it with perfection. I am not perfect, I know that, but I like to try. I am always trying to be more positive and be the best I can be and as I look back at yesterday, I think I was just that... the best I could be. The dishes waited and so did the laundry. I spent time with family, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. Enjoying my mother, father and sisters and brothers. Friends. And Jonzy. Family brings me so much joy and I love spending time with them. It's as if all my worries go away and I can just focus on the love that we have for one another.

When it really comes down to it, I don't think we will ever be judged by how clean our house was or if we remember to send Sally-Sue a birthday card. I do think, however, we will be judged on how much love we spread throughout the world and whether we have a testimony and personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I hope you had a great mother's day!!


Kristine said...

Hey there... glad you enjoyed your mother's day! I think you pretty much summed it up for most women out there, so you certainly are not alone! In fact, our Sunday school lesson addressed this exact issue. We will never be perfect. All we can do is our best and allow Christ's atonement to work in our lives by making up the difference. Sometimes it's good to have a little reminder of that :) Caden is looking so big and cute!

Courtney said...

That was good Deb. I needed to read that today. It was uplifting- it is so hard to remember how small the small stuff really is.