Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Family Time

This past weekend we had Casey's sisters come to visit. It was so nice to be able to have a "girls weekend" (plus Casey, Caden & Jonzy... but still...). Have I told you how much I love each member of Casey's family? They are seriously some of the best people I've ever met and I feel so blessed to be apart of it.
While his sisters were here, we played around in the photo studio a little bit. We had fun with Caden and reacting to all of his cuteness. What a cutie, eh? (Not that I'm biased or anything). This little guy brings me SO much joy... I feel so lucky to have him.


Amanda said...

Deb, he is really a cute boy. I guess you already know that. It is so fun to see all their expressions. Just wait till there are words involved with the rolling of eyes. Its hard not to laugh sometimes.

Ashley said...

You don't know me...I'm Marisa Kobza's sister. Tell Cami to get off her lazy bum and visit her blog! I left her a message and I've never heard from her. hehe Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

You do have a cute boy, you are allowed to say that. How is life. you look so good.

Addie said...

I love all of Caden's hair. So cute!!! Maybe one day Conrad will grow some hair.