Monday, February 25, 2008

I've been tagged!

1. Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself.
2. At the end, you choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged.
3. Don't forget to leave them a comment "You're It!" and to read your blog.
4. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.

I've been tagged by Christy and she wants me to post ten random things I've learned in the past week of motherhood.

1. Caden doesn't like clean diapers.
2. I could sit and watch Caden all day long. I've never been so unproductive in my life.
3. When I do get a spurt of productivity, the Moby Wrap is the best thing around.
4. I've woken up in my bed atleast once a night freaking out because I thought I was holding Caden and he's no where to be found. Casey gently reminds me that he's in his crib.
5. I can type really fast with one hand now.
6. I wish Casey didn't have to work so we could hang out as a family all the time.
7. Nurses and doctors are not always right... sometimes our intuition is best.
8. I wake up excited to be a mom and hopw to give Caden the best life and opportunities out there.
9. I eat like a teenage boy these days. It is such a relief since during pregnancy I felt full after eating two bites of food.
10. I have never felt such deep joy and love in my life. That along with the huge responsibility of being the best mother I can. It is all so overwhelming, but in a good way. I am so thankful to have our small little family and wouldn't want it any other way right now.

I'd like to tag:
1. Julie. Just because she's my sister and I love her!
2. Hollie. Without cable now, this might give her something to blog about. Plus, she makes me laugh.
3. Kristine. She's about to become a mother of three and they just moved to Atlanta. I would love to hear her random thoughts about life at this point.


Lindsey said...

Amen about the intuition part! Congrats on a beautiful baby and on doing it naturally, isn't that the biggest high!?! I hope all is going well!

Kori said...

I totally agree with the "intuition" part also! Good for you to have learned that so soon!
No two babies are alike, so no advice will work the same for all!

Kristine said...

I guess I'm chiming in with the rest of the girls, you are smart to pick up on intuition so quickly! I have honored your request and posted my answers for you. Also, I must throw in that I, too was a big MY SO CALLED LIFE FAN and have watched all episodes numerous times. Felicity was also a big hit with me. Love the flash back! :)