Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dang Do-ers

I have a lot of things on my mind lately. And people that are do-ers aren't really helping. We went to get our tour of hospital last night. We were about 5 minutes late... and if you know me at all, you know that's my usual style. (Much to my hubby's dismay). We walked down the long corridor and raced to our meeting spot. Only, racing at this point in my life is not something that happens very quickly or gracefully. It's more of a waddling, discombobulated walk.

Breathe... only 5 weeks left. Or 3 or 7. The doctor surely won't make me go 7 more weeks, will he? (That's 2 weeks over D-day).

Anyways, the first thing Casey says to me when we get to the group is "This is just a birthing tour, right?" I looked around and didn't really see any women with protruding bellies. "Uh, I think so." A couple ladies with a mere pouch, but no full on bellies. There are like 10 couples here and no one has a belly??? Then, the girl next to me open her big coat. Yea! A belly. Oh, she's gotta be due any second... I think she's bigger than me. Only later I find out that she is due mid April. Oh, she's a semi-do-er. But, Yea! She's bigger than me.

Come on, am I really that much of a procrastinator?

  1. The nursery is an absolute mess. Although, I have made progress. I have "sorted" many things and have filled the crib with items that can wait. Filled it, to the brim. Only to realize that I probably need to wash the sheets before the baby comes. I've got time, right?

  2. We are taking our Lamaze class and we have 3 weeks left. I figure it's not the end of the world if we don't make it through the whole class. Odds are we will.

  3. I don't know what we really "need" for the baby. Like how many onesies, receiving blankets, etc. So my way of dealing with it is to just see if what we have is enough. If not, Casey can run to the store, right?

  4. Names. Oh boy. We have 1 name that we completely agree on. But I need more options. What if he doesn't look like a Tyrone? (Odds are, he probably won't.... and sorry, I'm not going to tell you what name we have picked out). And does anyone else think that picking a middle name is harder than picking a first name? And is it bad to have a name on the list that is the same as one of your friend's kids?
But no worries, right? It will all be okay and the baby won't even care if his room is messy or we didn't complete the Lamaze class. And we have the bare necessities and so what if he is named Tyrone. It's a cute name. It's just those do-ers that are making me feel insecure and questioning my pre-motherhood abilities. I guess it's kind of a warm up of what's to come, right?

And let me just tell you my favorite tip from the tour:
Husbands, don't drop your wife off. Make sure she gets to where she needs to go and then move the car. Apparently someone didn't quite make it to the birthing floor last week and had her baby in the lobby. (The husband dropped her off at the front door and went to park the car).

Ah, maybe I'm not doing so bad after all.


wendy said...

Hey, you're doing just fine. Babies just NEED a mom and a dad. And in this weather, a few blankies.

And if you want to name him Whitney, really it's FINE!

Christy and I were wanting to take you to lunch sometime since we both couldn't make it to your shower, email me what works for you!

Hollie said...

Hey, I want to go to lunch too!!!!!

Well, you already are better than I was. I didn't even know you could take a tour of the hospital. I just chose the one closest to me:) Then, I checked out a birthing video from the library. I watched about 20 seconds of it and was done.

The middle name wasn't too hard for us. We just went with a family name. My grandma's first name to be exact:)

The only thing I recommend is to take a journal with you. You will have a lot of quite time especially at night after visiting hours are over and your husband needs a shower. I just read the entry I wrote when Mckenzie was born. It was pretty cool and I was glad I brought my journal:)

Audra said...

My advice to you two is have fun and try not to worry so much! Once the baby is born- you magically know what to do and what they need. My one tip is this- babies cry for 4 main reasons, which are

sleepy, hungry, needs to be changed or sick.

In some cases colic. But within the first week you'll be able to tell which cry is which. its amazing! Expect it to take longer for Casey to learn the differences. I don't think John ever learned- he just went through the list using the process of elimination.

As far as the nursery... don't fuss. They grow out of clothes sooooo fast- its really a shame. Onsies and sleepers are all you really need for the first three months.

Focus on yourself and remain as un-stressed as possible. You will soon be welcoming the little one!

OH- and don't worry about lamaze- I had all of mine without knowing one thing about it. Breathe through the pain and keep focus- that's all there is to it!

Deb said...

You want to know what Casey thinks of Lamaze?

"It's just some hippie b/s."

And I think he just might be right on this one....

Thanks for all the comforting comments.

Kristine said...

Your list made me laugh, as I can remember thinking all those things the first time around. You are already more prepared than I ever was-- no lamaze or hospital tours for me. You guys will do great and I can't wait for your 3-7 weeks to be up:)

Marlyce said...

I think you are doing just great. I still have no idea how many onesies you need or blankets. New Daddy's just get to make lots of trips to the store, that's what they do best. As long as you have diapers, some blankies, wipes, and I highly recommend Aquaphor for babies bottoms at least once a day, I say you're fine. And I'm with Casey on the Lamaze, didn't do so much for me. Good luck, and I will pray with everything I've got it's not 7 more weeks.

Marisa said...

Don't worry, maybe you'll be lucky and have him early like we did. We scheduled our tour, then had the baby the day before-so you're doing better than us.

You can never have too many onsies or sleepers. It took my fourth child to realize how great the sleeping gowns are for midnight diaper changes. No waking the baby up while struggling to put their feet in the right leg hole. They are great!!!!

You will do great, Casey will be fine, just make sure he changes all the diapers in the hospital. They are worth a month of home diaper changes. Travis did all the hospital "road tar" diapers for me. It was so funny to watch, because he was the youngest and never had diapers to change at home. Nothing like breaking them in right away.

Hang in (or out) there!

Joni Wiedrich said...

Can you tell that mom's love giving advice to new moms? You'll see soon enough how fun it is. :)

I'm having my third and still don't know how many onsies, etc a baby needs. Just enjoy all the stuff you got from your don't realize how much you get until you start from scratch on your own. I don't think I bought anything for my girls for the first year.

And I agree on Lamaze. We went, but luckily my labors haven't been long enough to need any of the strategies they teach. Plus I highly recommend the epidural. It makes the whole experience actually somewhat enjoyable. :)

Good luck in the weeks to come. Like everyone else, I know you'll do fine and everything will just come to you. Can't wait to see him and hear what you are naming him!

wendysue said...

I think Casey is right about the lamaze . . .really it's just so the husbands have some kind of information about WHAT the HECK is going on!!

My sister said this after her 1st lamaze and baby experience. . ."really, just give me a deck of cards and someone to play double solitaire with"
I think it's a little harder than that for me. . .but the breathing thing just made me crazy!